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Certified Clean Energy Professional Program: Standardizing Training & Skills

The Problem

Unstandardized Training & Unique Skill Requirements

Building, operating, and maintaining power generation projects demands strong technical skills and safety awareness. Utility-scale clean energy sites are unique, requiring fewer technicians to perform diverse tasks without the specializations found in traditional facilities.

While demand for clean energy technicians is rising, training programs have not kept pace, leading to inconsistent curricula and skill levels.

The Solution

Standardized Training & Competency-Based Skills Assessment

Certified Clean Energy Professional Framework

CPI, in collaboration with clean energy companies, developed the Certified Clean Energy Professional Program to establish an industry-wide bar for the skills and competencies technicians should be able to demonstrate.

The program builds upon ACP’s existing Guidelines for Entry-Level Wind, Solar, and Battery Technician Training to outline a standardized approach to certify technicians' abilities to effectively install, maintain, and troubleshoot clean energy technologies.

To become certified, technicians must successfully complete a series of hands-on demonstrations that simulate typical maintenance and repair tasks. The result? Technicians are recognized for their expertise and companies have confidence that technicians are ready to take on this challenging job.

Now Taking Applications:
Become an Assessor for Entry-Level Wind Technicians Today

Competency assessments are observed and validated by industry assessors. These assessors hold the bar of integrity, quality, and reliability for the program through their assessment of technicians.

CPI is accepting assessor applications from interested and qualified individuals for its entry-level wind technician certification. Applications should be submitted to Applications will be accepted through Friday, April 11. CPI will notify individuals on a rolling basis of whether they have been selected to become an assessor.

Please review the program’s framework document and qualification criteria below before applying. A mandatory, four-hour training to become an assessor will take place at ACP’s CLEANPOWER 2025 in Phoenix, AZ. CPI is offering a discounted rate of $900 (normally $1800) to become an industry assessor. This includes receiving the assessor training, CPI-issued  assessor certification, and ability to assess and certify technicians.

See below for required assessor qualifications and application submission materials.

Assessor Qualifications
Submission Materials to Verify Qualifications
Five or more years of experience supervising wind technicians, conducting competency assessments, or leading technician training programs with at least three of those years occurring in the last five years
Provide a resume that lists your employers, positions, position tenure, and position description to help demonstrate your experience supervising wind technicians and/or conducting field assessments.
Received a recommendation from their company to serve as an assessor
Provide a brief letter of support from your employer recommending your for the assessor position.
Demonstrated interest in raising the bar of trained and competent clean energy technicians.
Provide a brief description of your interest in raising the bar of trained and competent clean energy technicians.
Attended CPI’s assessor training and certified by CPI as an assessor.
Confirmation that you can attend the assessor training in-person at ACP’s CLEANPOWER Conference should you be selected.

Applications should be submitted to

Any questions about the application process can be directed to

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