Bobbie Jones

Title: Work Management Administrator
Company: Acciona Nevada Solar One
Military Branch: U.S.Army
Military title/rank: 67N Helicopter Crewchief E4 Specialist
Years Served: 3.5 years
How did serving in the military help prepare you for a job in the clean energy industry?
I did a lot of flying and working on projects that had to do with the future of the US. It taught me to learn to look ahead into our future needs, not just what will get us by for a year or two but what will sustain the United States and the world for future generations.
What advice do you have for veterans exploring a job in the clean power industry?
Always be willing to learn new ways of doing old projects. So many good things with energy are happening in the world, that it is great to be a small part of it.
What advice do you have for companies looking to hire veterans?
Veterans are usually organized and willing to put in the extra effort to make things happen. They bring ideas from other parts of the world that can help with our future.